DIESEL Loverdose Dárková sada EDP 50 ml, tělové mléko Loverdose 200 ml a vzorek parfému Diesel Only the Brave Tatto 1,5 ml - 50ml
This product is set up to atypical price for delivery because it is not possibile to ship the product with common methods (package, letter, PPL) and for shipping of this product must be chosen the individual way of transport.Price for the shipping is only estimated price - the final price can be changed due to the quantity of ordered goods and the distance of delivery. After ordering the products will be your purchase visible as Waiting for price approval for shipping. If the price would be increased than the estimated one, you will be informed by our worker and if you do not agree with the amount for the shipping from your side, the order will be cancelled.Amounts for atypical shipping are not summed up, it is considered the highest possible (if you are ordering more products with atypical shipping). Currently, if one of the products is set up in the order for individual shipping, you are not suppose to pick up the payment method either(you will be asked to confirm the total amount for the shipping).
Code: | 50920 |
Price: | 1 125,00 CZK
| | 1 361 CZK
Availability: |
Pro ženy
Loverdose Dárková sada obsahuje
- parfémovou vodu Loverdose EDP 50 ml
- tělové mléko Loverdose 200 ml
- vzorek parfému Diesel Only the Brave Tatto 1,5 ml,
vše v dárkovém balení Diesel.
Nová vůně pro ženy. Představovaná jako dokonalá zbraň určená ke svádění. Údajně obsahuje molekuly, které stimulují hypothalamus, část mozku, která je zodpovědná za chtíč a přitažlivost druhé osoby.
Flakón parfému je navržen tak, aby symbolicky připomínal srdce - ve tvaru diamantu probodnutého šípem.
Hlava - badyán, mandarinka
Srdce - jasmín, lékořice, okvětní lístky gardénie
Základ - ambra, vanilka, dřevěné tóny